Vibram FiveFingers

Inspirational: Cancer Survivor Running Around Australia in Vibrams

At 52, Janette was diagnosed with breast cancer and the prognosis was only 6 months or possibly a year with conventional chemotherapy and radiation treatment.

Throughout the year 2013, to inspire and motivate conscious lifestyle choices, to promote kindness and compassion for all living beings and to raise environmental awareness for a sustainable future, veteran raw vegan athletes Janette Murray-Wakelin and Alan Murray are running together around Australia, approximately 15,500km, 365 marathons each in 365 days.

Australia Map with Route
The Route

Not only that – But they are doing it in Vibram FiveFingers! Incredible and inspirational!

Alan Murray and Janette Murray-Wakelin
Inspirational: Alan Murray and Janette Murray-Wakelin


Check it out: RunningRawAroundAustralia

And if you would like to support their cause, you can donate here.