Injinji Spring Summer 2021 Range Has Landed!

Hello everyone and welcome to the latest Feetus blog post! Today, we are looking at the all new Injinji Spring Summer 2021 Lineup.

Although delayed for a little longer than expected, due to obvious reasons at the moment, we have now finally taken delivery of the new range, and it all looks fantastic in person! The new releases focus on expanding the Injinji Ultra Run and Ultra Run Womens range, not only into new colour-ways, but there is no also a mini-crew version available, to add to the current no-show and crew Ultra Run toe socks. There are also some new colour-ways across some of the other range.

Before we dive in, here is what Injinji have to say about the new range…

Bright colors and new designs have always been a staple of new Injinji products, and this year is no different. The Run and Ultra Run series feature new, exciting colors and patterns to wear on runs and workouts. Additionally, we are continuing to build on the Ultra Run series and have launched a new cut, the Ultra Run Mini-Crew and Women’s Ultra Run Mini-Crew. This brand new sock is sure to be a favorite among runners and outdoor enthusiasts.

So, let’s take a look. First up, the Injinji Ultra Run. In the unisex range, we see a new style added to the no-show and crew sock heights, as well as the mini-crew sock height added to the range. The new colours are Pop and Deco, you can check out the photos below.

Injinji 2021 Ultra Run Line-Up
The Ultra Run SS21 Line-Up, from left to right: No-Show Pop, Mini-Crew Pop, Mini-Crew Deco, Crew Deco.


In the Womens Ultra Run line-up, we have the same kind of changes, mini-crew has been added, and new styles across the range. The new colour-ways are Dew and Melon.


On top of this, Injinji have also treat us to some brilliant new colour-ways in the trusty Injinji Run and Womens Run range. In the unisex range, we have seen the addition of 3 new colourways in the no-show, and a new lightweight mini-crew toe sock.

Injinji 2021 Run Line-Up
The Injinji SS21 Lightweight RUN Line-Up, from left to right: No-Show Reef, No-Show Coil, No-Show Isla and Mini-Crew Malibu.


Then, in the Womens Run range, we see 4 new additions.

Injinji 2021 Womens Run Line-Up
The Injinji SS21 Womens Run Line-Up, from left to right: No-Show Nessie, No-Show Fizz, No-Show Pina and No-Show Lavender.


Some great new styles added to the range this season, and great to see that the Ultra-Run range has had the mini-crew length added to it. These are now all available to buy online at As always, we are here to help, so please just let us know if you have any questions. I am well aware of how it can be confusing which socks might be right for you, so we are always happy to help and to make sure you get the right sock for you.

We have also got some new products that we are adding to the range this season, but that is for another blog post, so make sure you check back!

Merry Christmas and Happy 2021 To Everyone!

Wow! What a year it has been! After watching more news than ever before, I think it is fair to say that the word of the year was definitely … unprecedented. There was another one I remember hearing a lot, began with C? Can’t remember though, let us just try and forget that one.

I just wanted to put a quick blog post on here to say a very, very sincere thank you, to each and every customer that supported us this year. We could not have gotten through this without you, and I genuinely hope that we helped you enjoy your once a day exercise allowance! Whether it was your first pair of Vibrams, or your 50th pair of Injinjis, your custom, as always, was very much appreciated.

We did have some hiccups during the year (not the drinking too much type of hiccups 😉 ) but those caused by a multitude of things, from delayed shipments from manufacturers, to extended delivery times due to shorter working hours. We made it through the year in the end, and looking forward to what 2021 can bring, eventually.

In the meantime, I hope everyone keeps safe, enjoy some time with your loved ones, and just as importantly, keep running!