Covid-19 Service Update

Hello Everyone!

I just wanted to let everybody know that we are now back to normal service, operating and sending out orders 5 days a week.

We have had to make some changes to the Feetus office to ensure everything is done safely, and this means that only 1 person is allowed in the office at once. This may lead to a slight delay here and there, but I am aiming to have everything running as smooth as possible.

This also means that unfortunately, for now, we will only be sending orders out, and will be unable to accommodate any click and collect or office visits for our customers.

Until next time, keep safe and keep running!

How Are You Keeping Moving During Lockdown?

So it has been a few weeks since the national lockdown began, and first and foremost, I hope everyone is keeping safe and well! These are truly bizarre times that we are in.

One benefit that does seem to be coming out of this is that more people are being active. Whether that means using your once a day going outside allowance, or just doing more exercise in the house, people are moving more. Which is of course brilliant. Despite things such as the Park Run being suspended for the foreseeable, people are still finding the motivation in these times to get up, get out and do something!

I myself have been running more than usual. After my daughter came into the world in November, my activities have well and truly slumped, but have found myself getting out running a lot more recently. I have even dusted the old bike off and taken that out for a spin, with the roads as quiet as they are at the moment, it is a great time to get out there! We have heard from a few customers who have been doing similar, and also from some that have setup home gyms to help keep active and sane.

We have also heard many people getting involved with the online or the TV shows that have started to get people off the sofa during lockdown, or taking a break from another Zoom call. People likeJoe Wicks have gotten back on our screens with his popular HIIT workouts and has been a great hit.

It would be fantastic to hear what you guys are doing to keep active, and to keep going through these difficult times! Make sure you keep in touch over our social media channels, whether that is Facebook, Instagram or Twitter!