Injinji, Gotena, and V-Toes

Comparing Toe Socks

Comparing Toe Socks

Here at, we’re mad about toe socks. We’re the nation’s favourite toe sock specialist and we try to offer you the biggest and best range on the market. Commonly used with Vibram FiveFingers, toe socks are fantastic for all sports, and offer superior blister-protection compared with the conventional sock.

But are all toe socks equal? Are some brands better than others?

With such a vast array of different brands, styles, weights, heights, and colours, its easy to get confused. Unsurprisingly, we were overjoyed when one of our super-customers and fellow toe sock lover sent us this comprehensive overview of toe socks. He reviewed a range of toe socks from brands Gotena, V-Toes, and industry-leading Injinji. Here’s what he thinks:

Gotena Toe Socks – An Overview

Maybe I have freakishly long toes but I found the toe pockets on Gotena toe socks to be unbelievably short, therefore removing the freedom for each toe that I/we the consumer buy these socks for in the first place. The point where the toe pockets join is halfway up the gap in your real toes, the pockets actually act to keep your toes together, thus making them almost as bad, if not worse than, normal socks.

Yes the fabric feels nice next to the skin, seems well constructed and is very light – however, this comes with a downside in that there is no structure at all to the sock – now I know that the whole idea of “going minimal”/wearing less footwear etc. is less structure but getting these things on is like putting on Clingfilm socks – i.e. not easy to say the least – I actually find that my medium and “heavy” weight Injinji socks are way easier to get on because at least they have some “shape”.

As already stated, I may have really long toes (but I don’t think so, maybe just above average) but surely the whole idea of toe socks is to allow toe freedom and a few mm extra is not going to cause issues, especially in these modern elasticated socks – if you lengthened the toes in these by 10-15 mm they would still be fine for short toed folks (they just wouldn’t max out the stretch but that wouldn’t cause bunching). It’s something I think even Injinji are guilty of and they are the nearest I found yet to having long enough

I have to admit to being surprised at the narrowness of the toe pockets too as my toes are certainly on the skinnier side of average and these are tight – again, a habit of other toe sock makers I find hard to understand – maybe it’s the whole obsession with things fitting “snugly” and compression wear and all that nonsense but I’ve worn “normal” socks with no elastic and in a wide fit as an alternative to toe socks and never had any issues with the extra fabric, just that age old problem with shape and even being super wide, they still pulled the big toe in due to the taper of the toe box.

I don’t want to rant but come on some sock company out there, try this – make the toes a bit longer and wider and everything a bit less stretchy and not so thin that they have no shape at all – you might just be surprised at the results – socks don’t have to be this tight to keep them in place and then we’ll get the freedom our toes deserve.

Buy Gotena toe socks from

V-Toes – An Overview

I’m afraid not much good to say here about V-Toes – they appear poorly made with loose loops at the end of each toe pocket, loose threads everywhere inside and again, toe pockets big enough for my 3 year olds toes, but these are for size 11 feet.

It is really hard to get on to each toe; I couldn’t possibly recommend them – I’m sure there are people who’ve found these OK but I think that’s more of a reflection of the poor standard of what’s available.

 Buy V-Toe toe socks from

Injinji – An Overview

And to finish, Injinji Performance 2.0 Lightweight and Injinji Outdoor MidWeight NuWool – by far the best of the bunch – both well made with the ‘Lightweights’ still having enough shape/hold to make them a breeze to put on (a breeze for toe socks that is!), being Lightweight (obviously) and almost long enough in the toes.

The Outdoor range of toe socks are probably my favourite of the lot, not being overly thick but with enough warmth for the depths of a UK/Irish winter (not going to say Scottish winter as that’s a different ball game altogether) which is very useful with most minimal footwear being low on insulated properties.

Buy Injinji toe socks from 

Toe Socks – A Summary

So to summarise it’s fairly clear – unless there’s a toe sock company out there making toe socks with longer toes and less restriction/too much elastic then Injinji are the clear winner for now.

It’s all very well saving a couple of quid [by purchasing the cheaper toe socks] but the Injinjis hold up well too.

To be fair to V-Toes and Gotena, I’ve not had them long enough to see if they last – but then I wouldn’t want them too as they are awful to wear. I’ve had a couple of pairs of the Injinji NuWool for a while now and they are going to take a long time to wear out.

Overall – If you’re looking for a reliable toe sock that not only fits well, but also offers supreme performance and longevity, the Injinji toe sock is what you need.

See the full range of toe socks at

Injinji, Gotena, and V-Toes
Do you have a favourite toe sock? Let us know by leaving a comment
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The Torq Trail Team: 2013 (An Extraordinary Weekend)

Question: How often do you get the chance to meet with a load of like-minded people, attend a presentation by a top ultra trail runner, trial a full range of the best sport nutrition on the market, and then take guided runs through some beautiful Shropshire trails?

Answer: Not very often (unless you’re a pro runner).

Well that’s exactly what Torq (in association with FreeStak) put together for a group of trail runners this weekend.

A Trail Team is (Almost) Born

This was billed originally as an ‘Assessment Day’ to help select a small group of amateur trail runners to form the inaugural Torq Trail Team. Not only would this team proudly represent Torq at events across the country and have a healthy supply for Torq goods at their disposal – but they would also be taken for a training holiday to cover the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB) circuit. Not bad eh?

Saturday: Education. Inspiration. Perspiration.

The format of the day was very relaxed. After an hour of socialising, a brief introduction from the charismatic Simon and Julie from FreeStak, we received a fantastic presentation from Torq’s nutritional guru, Ben. It’s fair to say that we all learned an awful lot from what became an interactive session covering all aspects of ‘fuelling’ on the run. Don’t hit that wall!

We were then treated to a superb session with Stuart Mills. Thought-provoking, inspirational, controversial, and more… “Run as fast as you can, when you can”, “If you’re doing core work, you’re not doing enough running”. If you’ve never stumbled across Ultra Stu’s blog before, do it today, you won’t regret it!

Inspired and wired (on gels), we donned our running gear to hit the trails across the Long Mynd. Often surrounded by low cloud, battered by a side wind, and shin-deep in snow, we were distracted by great company and beautiful views. The only competitive aspect of the run was perhaps the rush for the showers at the end.

Sunday: Long Run

Sunday’s schedule was simple. You either ran a 2-hour circuit, or a 4-hour circuit, and your reward would be a well-earned hotpot in the hostel. The typical British weather did little to put the hardy group of trail runners off on what turned out to be an unforgettable day of running.

Picking up the pace
Torq Trail Team
Standing around ‘Torqing’

The Future

Torq and FreeStak have got big plans for this concept going forward, with plans for the next few years already being formulated. It’s fair to say that interest in this Trail Team will only grow, but who knows, if you stay up to date with Torq via their Facebook page; it could be YOU in 2014…

In the meantime, why not try out some of Torq’s amazing products?

Massive Thanks To (and links to their sites):



Ultra Stuart Mills

Roy Belchamber (Photography)

It’s also worth checking out some of the inspirational runners who attended the Torq TreamTeam assessment: 

Adam Breckon

Ben Sears 

Kristof Nowicki

Lindley Chambers

Reuben Tabner (The Bearded Runner)

Sam Robson


Torq Logo

An Army Marches on its Stomach

An Army Marches on its Stomach

Famous words by Napoleon Bonaparte. And it’s completely true.

How many of us have ‘hit the wall’ or ‘bonked’ on a long run? If you have, I’m sure you will have vowed never to hit that wall again!

I remember one time heading out on the bike with a plan of cycling a straightforward out-and-back across the Cleveland Way. It was one of those perfect days for cycling – sunny, warm, no wind (very rare on the North York Moors!) and so I got carried away, and decided to keep on riding. Of course, the extra distance I was covering only meant I had that same extra distance to cover on the way back.

Cutting a long story short: I was ill-equipped. The food and drink I was carrying was insufficient. I became seriously fatigued, weak, and disorientated. I took a break by a trail in Guisborough Forest, and then opted to curl up in a ball, feeling sorry for myself. I was ‘rescued’ (haha!) by a couple out walking, who kindly donated a Cadbury’s Boost. That gave me enough energy to continue cycling until I found myself with enough phone signal to call my wife for a lift. #Embarrassing!

Try hitting the wall

I learned my lesson the hard way. It might sound crazy but I would recommend everyone to hit the wall during a training run. You’ll certainly earn some wisdom points for it, and will hopefully never make that mistake again during a race!

What causes bonking?

In short, you bonk due to low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia), effectively running out of fuel for your body and your brain.

How to avoid hitting the wall

Simplistically: Eat properly for exercise, and eat at regular intervals. Find out which foods suit you best – which are easiest to consume, to digest, and what you enjoy most.

Fuel-up at

Variety is the spice of life, right? We’re proud to be stocking a top range of sports nutrition from different brands, offering energy gels, bars, and drinks in some top flavours.

  • Torq – My weapon of choice. All ingredients are derived from natural sources, meaning next-to-no chance of getting a stomach upset when it matters!
  • GU – A bestseller in America. A great range of flavours!
  • RunningFood – Relative newcomers to the market with big potential. Chia seed based drink and delicious flapjack.

Why not order a few to see which you like best?

And finally… The moral of the story

Always fuel when out running, cycling, or any form of endurance sport, and refuel sufficiently. Failing this: play dead and ask for a Boost!
