Trail Runners – An Opportunity of a Lifetime

Torq Trail Running Gels Drinks Energy
Become a Torq Trail Runner

This is an opportunity of a life-time for all you trail runners! Is it wrong to call it a trail runner’s wet dream? Perhaps, but please withhold judgement until you have read this:

TORQ is looking for runners who will join the TORQ Trail Team for 2013 and enjoy many of the benefits of a professional running team.
Anyone who is committed to running on the trails and exploring the outdoors – as well as their own limits – is encouraged to apply to be part of the team: this is not just for elite runners.
Those successful in being selected for the team will spend a year as part of the TORQ Trail Team, with many of the benefits usually only available to professional teams, including:

  • A nutritional assessment and nutrition products from TORQ Fitness
  • Team-branded kit for training and racing
  • A three day training and preparation trip running in the Alps on the UTMB course around Chamonix from Thursday 20th to Sunday 23rd June 2013
  • Appearances in features in Trail Running Magazine
  • Support and advice throughout the season

The sign-up process is easy. All you have to do is fill in a simple form, here:

Don’t forget – goes live very soon. Keep up to date with us on Facebook and Twitter to take advantage of some fantastic competitions PLUS some exclusive discounts: Feetus on Facebook and Feetus on Twitter

Happy running!

The Reebok ATV 19 – Take a Lug at These

The Reebok ATV 19 Running Shoes

No, it’s not April Fool’s Day.

I haven’t seen these shoes in the flesh – and I’m not sure I want to… but what we have here is the ATV 19, due to be released 1st February 2013. Barefoot runners – Look away now.

Can you milk these udders?
No – This is the Reebok ATV 19

According to Bill McInnis, Head of Advanced Innovation at Reebok, the ATV 19 is named after an ‘All Terrain Vehicle’. The shoes come with 19 huge lugs that work independently giving traction. The lugs are bevelled at a 28-degree angle to keep you stable and supported. They have a durable toe bumper and heel-kick with ballistic mesh on the top.

“Coming in to Land:
February 2013

Now I really don’t know what to make of these shoes. Are they practical for running? Could you achieve any PB’s in these machines? Do we need giant nipples for traction? Will we see these shoes with a ‘90% OFF’ clearance sticker at the bottom of a bargain bin in months to come? Feel free to comment – I am interested in how other runners perceive these beasts.

The Reebok ATV 19 screams “Lug at me!”

Watch Bill McInnis present the Reebok ATV 19 on YouTube here:

Can the Reebok AT 19 also be used as a phone?

Please note: All images in this post are Copyright Reebok.

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Gordon Pirie’s ‘Running Fast and Injury Free’ – A Must-Read for Aspiring Runners

Gordon Pirie’s ‘Running Fast and Injury Free’ – A Must-Read for Aspiring Runners

I first read this book back in 2009 whilst nursing a knee injury and trying to find a solution. Much of the content mirrors what Christopher McDougall covered in his bestseller Born to Run, and other subsequent running publications related to running performance.

Go Barefoot or Go Minimalist

He points out that no professional athletes compete in “overstuffed, wedge-heeled orthopaedic boots that most joggers wear”, and that “the difference between running in bare feet and in the typical jogging shoe can be up to 30 seconds a mile.” As such, Pirie always advised his trainees to wear the lightest shoe they could find. “These shoes” Pirie continues “should have the same amount of padding at the front under the toes as at the rear, with no wedged or flared heels.”


In Running Fast and Injury Free, Pirie’s advocated technique is not too dissimilar to the POSE Technique, or what is commonly regarded as the natural / barefoot style. He advises taking shorter steps (3-5 steps per second) as opposed to striding and heel-striking, which wastes energy on vertical movement of the body (Joggers ‘bobbing’ up and down). He also describes his collaboration with Adidas-founder Adolf ‘Adi’ Dassler on designing running shoes.

Performance Gains

Pirie was a controversial character, and he doesn’t shy away from the odd controversial statement in this book. It is at times contradictory (“walking damages running”, then later adding he would add 4-hour walking sessions to his training. Yet ‘Running Fast and Injury Free’ is still an enjoyable read with some fantastic advice, and by taking heed of some of Pirie words you will probably cover more ground faster.

Running Barefoot Minimalist Fast and Injury Free Gordon Pirie
Zapotek, Mimoun, and Gordon Pirie lead the way in the 1952 10,000m Final
(Also notice Sando (84) missing his left shoe!)

You can both read the book for free online, or download the PDF here:

Gordon Pirie’s Laws of Running:

  1. Running with correct technique (even in prepared bare feet), on any surface, is injury free.
  2. Running equals springing through the air, landing elastically on the forefoot with a flexed knee (thus producing quiet feet). On landing, the foot should be directly below the body. (Walking is landing on the heels with a straight leg).
  3. Any and all additions to the body damage running skill.
  4. Quality beats quantity; the speed at which you practice the most will be your best speed.
  5. Walking damages running.
  6. The correct running tempo for human beings is between three and five steps per second.
  7. Arm power is directly proportional to leg power.
  8. Good posture is critical to running. (Don’t lean forwards!).
  9. Speed kills endurance; endurance kills speed.
  10. Each individual can only execute one “Program” at any one time; an individual can be identified by his or her idiosyncrasies (i.e. “Program”). An individual can change his or her “Program” only by a determined, educational effort; each individual’s Program” degenerates unless it is controlled constantly.
  11. Static stretching exercises cause injuries!
  12. Running equals being out of breath, so breathing through the mouth is obligatory (hence the nickname “Puff Puff Pirie”).

Thanks for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts and comment on this post.




Enter ToPo Athletic – New Boys in the Minimalist Running Space

A Big Rival for Vibram FiveFingers

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears. Prepare for a BIG newcomer in the barefoot and minimalist running shoe market. This one could rival Vibram FiveFingers. Let me tell you why.

It was back in 2006 that Vibram released their FiveFingers fitness shoes. We all know them – those funny-looking shoes that look like a glove for your foot. Then, in 2009, following the huge success of Christopher McDougall’s book Born to Run, we saw the Vibram FiveFingers grow in popularity.

 ToPo Athletic

Now – Tony Post, former CEO of Vibram has founded a new company called ToPo Athletic: “a brand created for and by athletes with a mission to develop athletic gear made with humble innovation”.

Similar to Nike’s Rifts, ZEMgear’s ‘Ninja’ range, and B2R’s shoes, ToPo Athletic have developed a Japanese Tabi-style split-toe range of ‘barefoot’ running shoes.

ToPo Athletic reviewed by Barefoot Minimalist Running Shoes
ToPo Athletic reviewed by Barefoot Minimalist Running Shoes

A fusion of Popular Minimalist Styles

To me, the shoes look like a cross between the new New Balance Minimus, an Inov-8 Bare-Grip, and a ZEMgear 360. The range certainly looks geared for performance. They look innovative, appearing to have a very similar lacing system to the ‘Boa’ closure dial on my Specialized road cycling shoes.

Although these shoes seem to be a bit of a secret (Research tells me we haven’t seen a tested review yet), I have tried to weigh up the pros and cons of this range (Labelled: The RT for Running/Training, the RX for Training/Crossfit, and the RR for Running):

ToPo Athletic Review by Barefoot Minimalist Running Shoes
The ToPo Athletic Range


  • Wide toe box – Essential for your natural running style.
  • Zero drop from heel to toe – Although the soles are a little thick, they are neutral.
  • Seamless uppers – As with the FiveFingers, these look lightweight and I expect them to have a huge focus on comfort, with the intention on running sockless.
  • Two toes (instead of five) – Making this design less difficult to fit your toes in and out of.
  • Boa Closure Dial – How many times have you been out running, and annoyingly have to pull up to tie your laces? I love my cycling shoes’ lacing system. I lock them, and never have to re-lace.  This for me, is a fantastic feature.
  • Attractive Colour Range – Attractive and sensible (Your wife won’t kick you out for wearing these).


  • Thick sole – Did ToPo need to add such a height to our sole?
  • Unconventional look – While I have no problem with 2-toes, 5-fingers, etc, many are still not convinced.


I expect these to be hugely popular with runners. Fans of FiveFingers will have to give these a try. Gym-goers and Crossfit addicts will also find these split toe shoes to be a perfect match for their training too.

Can’t wait?

Although we have to wait until summer before these beauties are released – Why not give a pair of ZEMgear a try? …Feetus might just surprise the UK market and treat you to their new range. In the meantime, keep up to date with us on Facebook and Twitter for more information…
The ZEMgear 360

And if you want to keep up to date with ToPo Athletic, here is their website:

In the Running World, Science > Marketing

It never ceases to amaze me how much ‘spin’ big companies use when marketing a new product. After watching Asics’ latest video pushing their hideous ‘Gel Nimbus 14’, it left me gobsmacked.

To me, the shoe looks more suited to an astronaut. Or maybe somebody imitating an astronaut, who needs a super wedge of cushioning to simulate slow-motion bouncing in the absence of moon gravity.

  • Rene Zandbergen, Product Manager at Asics, claims in the video that this ‘Guidance Line’ on the sole of the shoe will guide your foot whilst running. …What? …How?
  • He adds that the shoe “fits like a glove”. No, I think he should be referring to Vibram FiveFingers when he makes that comment.
  • He continues: “…the shoe helps you run more efficiently”. Bullshit.

Check it out:

With spiel like this, it’s not surprising that a staggering 80% of runners get injured each year. How many of us have suffered with ‘runners knee’, ‘shin splints’ and ‘plantar fasciitis’? How often do people have the best intentions of ‘getting in to running’, only to get injured and conclude “Running isn’t meant for me”. With the amount of money invested in technology and biomedical science, surely we can develop runningwear that can prevent running injuries?

Science > Marketing

That’s why I am a massive fan of VivoBarefoot. Rather than plough all their capital in to creating and marketing gimmicks such as a ‘guidance line’, they instead invest in research and training. They make the effort to educate the customer, teaching us the essentials about best running technique. They offer science over opinion.

Good Running Form goes live next month, where I will be offering advice on running technique and sharing my experiences of running barefoot and with minimalist shoes. For now though, here are the five basic principles of good running technique.

  1. Strike with your forefoot, followed by a heel plant.
  2. Your cadence should quicken to around 180bpm, meaning you take faster, shorter steps.
  3. Your foot should strike just below your centre of gravity, or slightly in front.
  4. Your upper-body should remain relaxed.
  5. Keep your head straight. Keep your eyes at horizon level.

We’ll also be selling the very best barefoot and minimalist running shoes from the likes of Vibram FiveFingers, VivoBarefoot, Saucony, Merrell, Xero Shoes, and more!

Keep up to date:





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An Army Marches on its Stomach

An Army Marches on its Stomach

Famous words by Napoleon Bonaparte. And it’s completely true.

How many of us have ‘hit the wall’ or ‘bonked’ on a long run? If you have, I’m sure you will have vowed never to hit that wall again!

I remember one time heading out on the bike with a plan of cycling a straightforward out-and-back across the Cleveland Way. It was one of those perfect days for cycling – sunny, warm, no wind (very rare on the North York Moors!) and so I got carried away, and decided to keep on riding. Of course, the extra distance I was covering only meant I had that same extra distance to cover on the way back.

Cutting a long story short: I was ill-equipped. The food and drink I was carrying was insufficient. I became seriously fatigued, weak, and disorientated. I took a break by a trail in Guisborough Forest, and then opted to curl up in a ball, feeling sorry for myself. I was ‘rescued’ (haha!) by a couple out walking, who kindly donated a Cadbury’s Boost. That gave me enough energy to continue cycling until I found myself with enough phone signal to call my wife for a lift. #Embarrassing!

Try hitting the wall

I learned my lesson the hard way. It might sound crazy but I would recommend everyone to hit the wall during a training run. You’ll certainly earn some wisdom points for it, and will hopefully never make that mistake again during a race!

What causes bonking?

In short, you bonk due to low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia), effectively running out of fuel for your body and your brain.

How to avoid hitting the wall

Simplistically: Eat properly for exercise, and eat at regular intervals. Find out which foods suit you best – which are easiest to consume, to digest, and what you enjoy most.

Fuel-up at

Variety is the spice of life, right? We’re proud to be stocking a top range of sports nutrition from different brands, offering energy gels, bars, and drinks in some top flavours.

  • Torq – My weapon of choice. All ingredients are derived from natural sources, meaning next-to-no chance of getting a stomach upset when it matters!
  • GU – A bestseller in America. A great range of flavours!
  • RunningFood – Relative newcomers to the market with big potential. Chia seed based drink and delicious flapjack.

Why not order a few to see which you like best?

And finally… The moral of the story

Always fuel when out running, cycling, or any form of endurance sport, and refuel sufficiently. Failing this: play dead and ask for a Boost!
