Chia Charge Flpjack topped with chocolate and almonds

We’ve still got several SIX PACKS of Chia Charge Flapjacks that are about to run out of date (two weeks!). They need to go. We’ve been throwing them in with customer’s orders – and will continue to do so until they run out… But last night I had one of those cravings for something naughty.

Luckily, I had a SIX PACK and some leftover Cadbury’s Dairy Milk. It was time to get to work. 

Absolutely no effort whatsoever. I melted a few squares of chocolate, dipped my Chia Charge Flapjack in, and sprinkled flaked almonds over the top. After 45-minutes in the fridge the flapjack was demolished, washed down by a cup of tea.

Fancy some? 

Get your six pack of flapjacks for just £2.49 (that’s 72% off!). But watch out – They run out in less than 10 days! CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR SIX PACK. One pack per order only.