Hello and welcome back to the Feetus blog. You may be wondering what Feetus has been up to, as we’ve been fairly quiet over the last year. Well as you may have seen on social media or a previous blog post we actually had a little fetus of our own , a baby girl born in November last year.

It was also last year that we had an extremely rough time with the launch of our new website. What was supposed to be quite a smooth transition turned out to be a six month plus ordeal of issue after issue with moving data across from the old site including customer data product data and the likes and it just turned out to be an extremely laborious task. However, we are now on the other side of it and I’m happy to say that the new website is up and running, fully functional and working better than ever.  You’ll now find that you can use the website much more easily on mobile and tablet devices you can manage your account in a lot more detail, request returns online and it also allows us to manage your orders in a much more efficient way. So what started off being a very very drawn out process of launching a new website has finally ended up completed.

And as if that wasn’t enough and just because we don’t like to do things by halves, we have also moved premises no less than three times in the last roughly 12 to 18 months. We moved into a new unit which had an attempted break-in over Christmas of 2018 so we moved out of there immediately and moved back into where our offices were located temporarily. We then stayed there little longer than expected, then we moved again and for a third and final time to the premises where we are right now where we have combined our office and warehouse into one unit. We did this with the same mindset of relaunching the website in that it would vastly improve our efficiency in processing and managing orders.

Now this turbulent last year or so has not only had a huge impact on how we actually run the business but it’s also had a huge and very disappointing impact on the level and quality of service that we provide. Many, many of our customers will know that we hold ourselves to extremely high standards of customer service and with everything that’s gone on over the last year, we have seen those levels drop, which is for me the worst part of the whole situation and one that I can’t apologise enough for. We had a period between websites where orders disappeared into the cosmos and we were unable to access our old system to process these. I have tried to address this issue, but if anybody was affected by this, please do contact me on shaun@feetus.co.uk so I can make it right!

Now we have the global pandemic that is the Corona Virus, but I think we’ll leave that for another blog post!